blr community

I’m sure many of you have heard of Tumblr before. If you haven’t, you’re probably not on your teenage years/twenties. Long story short, it is another type of social media. You can post, like and reblog pretty much everything.

I’ve always used my Tumblr account just to reblog pictures and share the music I listen to, so I was quite surprised when, at the beginning of this academic year, I stumbled upon an entry from a studyblr.  ‘What the hell do they share?’, I wondered. When I clicked on the profile (sorry, can’t remember who it was!), I was expecting to find lots and lots of pictures of books, notes and pens. And yes, I did find that. But I found even more.

I found lots of advice on how to study better, and a huge (and I mean, HUGE) amount of positive messages, thoughts, quotes and sticky notes. I found out that I wasn’t the only one making lists every day so I don’t forget what I have to do (whether it’s school related or not). I discovered a Chrome extension called Momentum, which is like the best thing ever. You can write your to-do list and cross whatever you’ve already done (and it’ll congratulate you if you’ve completed the list!),and it even shows you an inspiring quote each day. I also found lots of pictures of tea and coffee (what can I say, I’m a sucker for a little bit of caffeine!).

Sure, all those pictures look pretty, neat, clean, and nothing like my desk when I’m studying. And that made me wonder, ‘how do they do that?’. And I immediately answered myself. They just look pretty for the picture. After that, everything is a mess. Lots of papers and books on the desk. Unorganized colourful pens, stress and negative thoughts fill the room. But nobody wants to see that, and nobody should. It’s all about the results. You get ready, you clean your room, drink your tea, eat your toast, and you get to your work. No matter how messy it gets, the important thing is to complete at least half of the tasks you set yourself when you woke up. Because that is all the studyblr community is about. So guys, please keep taking pictures of your tidy rooms so the rest of us keep feeling inspired by them.



this is what my Momentum looked like after I completed my to-do list today 🙂

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